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Advocate & Intellectual Property Attorney
Trade Marks | Patents | Copyrights | Designs

Manish M. Bhagnari

B.Com. & LL.B.

Design Fee

Sr. No. Particulars Oficial Fee  + Legal Fee
(Indian Ruppes)
1. Search of Designs Database 3,000.00 
2. Each application in ONE class in INDIA 5,000.00
3. Amendment to application 2,000.00
3. Application for restoration 5,000.00
5. Preparing evidence 5,000.00
6. Filing notice of opposition 5,000.00
7. Responding to a notice of opposition  5,000.00
8. Obtaining certified copies 2,500.00
9. Attending to serious objections at hearing 5,000.00

Alternatively - Fixed one time ATTORNEY fee for filing and prosecution of application till registration
(NO ADDITIONAL FEE)* - Rs. 10,000.00*
* Does not include Official Fee

The above fee would be applicable for an application which does not face a third party opposition. Opposition proceedings are uncertain in degree and complexity, so a fee for these can not be predicted.