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Advocate & Intellectual Property Attorney
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Manish M. Bhagnari

B.Com. & LL.B.

Patent Fee

Please send an email to to enquire the fees applicable to your case. You are requested to draft your mail bringing out the case that you intend me to handle. I will revert back with my quotation in a few hours.

Sr.No Particulars Offical Fee
(Indian Ruppes)
1. Application for Patent 1000.00/4000.00
2. Filing Notice of Opposition 1500.00/6000.00
3. Responding to Notice of Opposition 0
4. Acquiring Patent and sending by post  0
5. Paying Renewal fee as selected
6. Filing a Petition 1000.00/4000.00
7. Amendment to the Specification 1000.00/4000.00